What Causes Sensitive Teeth?
Ouch! Does brushing or flossing make you wince occasionally? Does eating a cold spoonful of ice cream or sipping on a hot cup of coffee cause you discomfort? Before you head over to your dentist, we might know the answer.
The culprit could be overly sensitive teeth, and unfortunately this condition is all too common. In fact, Dentistry Today reveals that one out of every eight people has oversensitive teeth. Of course, there’s nothing to smile about regarding any kind of tooth pain, especially tooth sensitivity.
Why So Sensitive?
There are a variety of factors that can result in sensitive teeth. Recent dental work, for example may cause short-term sensitivity. Other culprits may result in longer lasting discomfort. Some main causes for tooth sensitivity include:
- Plaque buildup and tooth decay along the gum line.
- Teeth grinding.
- Gingivitis.
- Receding gums.
- Brushing teeth too hard.
- Some tooth whitening toothpastes.
- Your age. Tooth sensitivity is highest between the ages of 25 and 30.
- Cracked or broken teeth.
- Highly acidic foods and beverages.
- Some mouthwashes.
Get Needed Assistance
Everyone’s smile is unique and because one or more factors may be involved, it’s vital to get professional assistance to properly pinpoint what’s causing your tooth sensitivity issues. That’s where our expertise and advanced training can help. We can help diagnose and treat any oral health concerns you may have, including alleviating the discomfort of oversensitive teeth.
All it takes is an appointment.
In no time at all, you can be kissing tooth sensitivity goodbye and allowing yourself to focus on the flavor, not the temperature, of your next bowl of ice cream. Your mouth will thank you with an ear-to-ear smile!